Short quality report
With pride, Ponzi s.r.l. presents itself to customers as a certified company to attest the quality guarantee of its automatic entrances thanks to the high standards of service it undertakes to respect, the periodic checks which it is necessary to pass, and the numerous tests and checks to which the products to be put are subjected. on the market.
A careful study of the Company has identified the processes necessary for its quality management system, highlighting their application, sequence and resources dedicated to monitoring and control.
Fully understood the needs expressed and expected by the customer by qualified sales personnel, the technical department lends itself to satisfying them in the best way by carrying out detailed project drawings that are verified and validated by the relevant company figures, in order to define what is set complies with customer requirements in full compliance with the functional, performance and mandatory requirements of the product.
The sources of supply to which the Company relies must be able to respond in a manner consistent with what is required in the various orders to create a quality product, an accurate role in defining suitable suppliers and the work of employees plays an important role. qualified to check the material in acceptance.
The production process, planned upstream to allow compliance with contractual deadlines, is constantly monitored by appropriate internal departments checks on the incoming and outgoing material so as to allow the rapid response and solution of any problems, all highlighted through specific procedures and instructions for operators.
The Company also provides an installation and post-sales assistance service aimed at solving the verifiable problems following the supply of the product / service.
Specific notions are provided to installers and test technicians of the automatic entrance sensitized above all from the point of view of communication through work reports aimed at highlighting problems that occurred on site in order to act in advance in the next location.
The quality management system is constantly monitored through the periodic analysis of the data collected relating to the different aspects of business flows.
The goal is to demonstrate the adequacy and effectiveness of the system and to favor the triggering of a process of continuous improvement aimed at complete customer satisfaction regarding both the aspect of product supply and quality service.
Notes on directives
What are the European Directives: they are European laws.
Member States of the European Community are required to implement and transform them into state law in a limited period of time.
The Directives are intended to regulate the placing of products on the market. The European legislator mandates the European standardization body, CEN or CENELEC, to draw up the rules supporting the directives.
These standards, if complied with, make it possible to demonstrate the compliance of the products with the Directive in question. These are harmonized standards, that is recognized by all Member States of the European Community.
Automated closures must comply with the following Directives:
1. Machines
2. Low Voltage
3. Electromagnetic compatibility
The Machinery, Low Voltage and Electromagnetic Compatibility Directives must be mentioned in the Declaration of Conformity.
The following table shows the Directives and the related Decrees of transposition of the Italian Government:
Directive |
Italian implementing decrees |
DPR n. 459 of 24/07/96: Regulations for the implementation of Machinery Directives, concerning the approximation of the laws of the Member States, relating to Machines. Official Journal 209 of 06/09/96 |
Low voltage |
Legislative Decree 626/96: Implementation Directive 93/68 / EC (of modification of the Low Voltage Directive, 73/23 / EC see L. 18/10/77 n. 791 GU 293 of 14/12/96) |
Electromagnetic compatibility
Legislative Decree 04/12/92 n. 476: Implementation of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive, 89/336 / CE + 92/31 / CE + 93/68 / EC, canceled and then replaced by:
THE MACHINE DIRECTIVE competes with the automated closure sector as the automated closures have been defined as "machines".
The Directive applies to machines built or sold for the first time in Italy after September 21, 1996, to machines built or sold for the first time in other European countries after January 1, 1995, to machines modified after September 21, 1996.
What are the obligations deriving from the Machinery Directive?
1. the safe and documented design (technical file) of the product
2. the drawing up of the instruction and warning booklet,
3. the preparation of maintenance information,
4. the declaration of conformity to the applicable Directives and
5. the CE marking.
The LOW VOLTAGE DIRECTIVE is the responsibility of the closure sector if electrical circuits are present. Low Voltage refers to the circuits in c.a. between 50 Volts and 1,000 Volts and in d.c. between 75 volts and 1,500 volts.
It does not apply to environments with danger of explosion, for radiological environments and for clinical use, for the electrical parts of lifts and elevators, for specific electrical equipment for means of transport (ships, planes, trains, cars)
The ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY DIRECTIVE applies to any device capable of generating electromagnetic disturbances or being influenced by them.
It requires that the electromagnetic emissions produced by the product in question do not interfere with the regular operation of radio and telecommunications equipment in the vicinity and that the product in question is not affected with danger in its functions in the presence of foreseeable electromagnetic disturbances.
Reference regulatory framework - European Standards
In the European free market framework, the European Commission instructs European standardization bodies to draft the "harmonized" standards, which member countries are then required to legally implement. In practice these rules become "supranational" with regard to the EC and EFTA member countries.
The European standardization bodies are the CEN, for the mechanical regulation, and the CENELEC (in short CLC), for the electrical regulation. These bodies appoint working groups through the collaboration of the corresponding national regulatory bodies, for Italy it is the UNI (mechanical sector) and the GEI (electricity sector).
To complete the framework on regulatory bodies, we recall the "International" ISO regulatory body, which draws up concerted international standards.
It should be noted that there is a close correlation in the ISO regulatory work with the work of the regulatory bodies of the various countries, CEN and CLC for the EC, ANSI and UL for the USA, JISC for Japan, CSBTS for China, ..., etc. . From this it derives that almost always the world norms differ from the CE norms only for particular minimums, often inessential, sometimes however important.
The standardization tasks arise from the issue of European laws (Directives), which define the concepts that must be respected by the EC member countries. Through the rules, the European Legislator aims to give technical definitions of these concepts, to facilitate the understanding and implementation by citizens and to define classes and levels for the various services.
It is useful to remember that the classes and levels facilitate the agreement on the norms between the regulators of the various European countries, as the various nations find the possibility of calibrating their own legislation through these classes: each nation can decide different levels for the essential requirements , motivated by different local situations, such as climate, specific ethical situations, etc.
To allow the free circulation of products, various European directives have been developed; among these, the ones that most influence the closure sector are the well-known Machinery Directive, Low Voltage Directive, Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive and, finally, for the entire construction sector, the Construction Materials Directive.
The latter Directive has led to the drawing up - through the Technical Committee TC 33 of CEN - of a considerable group of regulations, about 150, for the sectors of closures, doors and windows and continuous walls. For the closure sector the standards are structured through three product standards, relating to internal manual closures (Wl 33233), external windows and pedestrian closures (Wl 33231) and finally to industrial, commercial, garage and barrier closures (prEN 13241) .
These product standards refer to specific rules on closures, which in turn can be addressed to the products to which the specific product standard refers, or they can be addressed to all closure products. A group of general rules can therefore be identified, typically relating to elements of the closures or general specifications of the closures, which support all closure products, for interiors, exteriors or industrial closures.
A second group of rules connected with the product under examination can then be identified and therefore with:
the relevant product standard.
Finally, an additional product should be identified, the automated pedestrian closures, which have their own product standard even if not classified as a product standard.
The rules can then be grouped again by topics, which we summarize in the following list:
. product standards
. terminology rules
. environmental standards
. rules on physical security (burglar-proof, bulletproof, scc.)
. mechanical performance standards
. automation standards
. electrical standards
. standards on accessories
. fire and smoke performance standards
. installation and maintenance rules
We give the list of standards for pedestrian closures.
Automated pedestrian closures
prEN 12650-1 Requirements and test methods for automated pedestrian closures
prEN 12650-2 i Security for automated pedestrian closures